Portrait and Commercial Photography
Best military wedding photography beach pictures

A Soldier Ties the Wedding Knot

Military soldier spinning bride before wedding

(Above) First, let me say that I found it to be a privilege to photograph this soldier’s wedding day. Here I asked him to give his lovely bride a spin and he delivered! I love her expression and candid laughter.

Military wedding, soldier kissing his wife

(Above) The spinning was followed up with a kiss. The trees in the background frame this photo nicely.

Soldier walking bride on wedding day

(Above) As they both walked, I hit the floor clicking and grabbed this candid moment. His uniform is quite “spiffy”.

Bride soldier laughing wedding

(Above) Moments like these cannot be rehearsed… I was too far away to hear the conversation, yet I can only imagine what prompted the laughter.

bride embracing military soldier

(Above) A close-up of the bride embracing her hubby. I am always on the lookout for these carefree moments!

Outdoor military wedding portraits

(Above) A great low-angle portrait of this great-looking couple. Supplemental lighting was put in place to illuminate the couple and avoid the shadow patterns projected through the trees.

Outdoor military wedding bride altar

(Above) Their wedding ceremony was held outdoors under a large oak tree. It was an intimate outdoor setting intended to look “countri-esh”.

Soldier wedding ceremony

(Above) As she repeated her vows, I created this image of him looking intently into her eyes.

Bride ceremony soldier wedding vows

(Above) In following, as he repeated his vows, I captured the joy in her expression.

Military wedding soldier kissing bride

(Above) I was not expecting the dip, yet I am glad he did dip her because it gave me the opportunity to create this wonderful image of the altar kiss “like-no-other”.

Father bride dance laughing

(Above) At the reception, I so enjoyed watching the bride’s father dance with his daughter because every so often he’d burst out with joy as is evident in this image.

Soldier kissing bride reception dance

(Above) A note about why I use black and white. When I want for the viewer to experience the emotion first-hand, I remove the color which acts as a barrier for the immediate reaction and allows the emotion to come through un-impeded.

Soldier and bride outdoor kiss in silhouette

(Above) I placed the couple midway upon a boardwalk and silhouetted them agains the bright sky and framed them with the sea grape trees for added impact. The rails served as leading lines in the composition.

Soldier beach wedding

(Above) Closer towards the evening, we headed for the beach to capture the last image in this collection. In the interim, I found this setting which lent itself for an intimate moment between the bride and the groom.

Best military wedding photography beach pictures

(Above) I got very excited setting up for this portrait as I saw the cloud formation and color appearing in the sky. Hurrying to get my light in place, I helped get them into this pose and fired off 5-6 shots. Looking at my LCD, I knew I’d nailed the shot – I was a very happy camper!

by Angel Navarro Photography

Florida Wedding Photographer
website: http://www.angelnavarrophotography.com
blog: http://www.angelnavarroblog.com
Facebook: “Angel Navarro Photography”
Twitter: “@Angel_Navarro”
e-mail: angel@angelnavarrophotography.com
(941) 538-6804

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